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Monday, 23 August 2010

The Bab-il-Hara Rant!

There hasn't been any recent posts here only because I shut my head and decided to stop noticing terrible things going around, so to trick my brain into thinking everything is fine. Well, it still felt the same as when I knew the Arabic world is falling into a pit in Hell.

Today I want to write about Bab il-Hara and how anyone ever came to watch it to the last minute without swearing under their breath. Yes, I'm the person who never watches it and never watched a full episodes. Fractions and clips of that series were enough to tell that it's complete rubbish.

(How do you judge something you didn't watch? Well, if I liked it, I'd be all over it like the many of you. I'm not. Get over it. Not everyone has to like what everyone else likes... You're just a victim of peer pressure.)

To start with, Bab il-Hara is well-advertised, and obviously, like many other well-advertised things, it's not the best just because it covers the screen. In fact, there's nothing good about it to start with. It innuendoes just the perfect misunderstandings a woman can ever have about herself.

A good story doesn't have to outline Utopia, but at least start with real acting, instead of the typical-Arabic dialogue acting where people face each other and chat and that's all. El-Nims is basically the only one with decent acting skills.

Only, AND ONLY, for the purpose of being very honest with you, I loaded one episode. The one that was planned to be watched sometime last week, but everyone should have at least ONE better thing to do rather than watch something so cliché , so disturbing, so sexist, and so discriminating as Bab il-Hara.

Bab al Hara, Part V, Episode 10, so help me God!

This is what went through my head while watching it:

Are people on the show drunk? All I see is men waving their hands in the air. Where the man can "invite anyone he wants to dinner whenever he wants even if there's no time to cook." That's disgusting., I thought the whole town-values would be MEN RESPECTING THEIR WOMEN. Not hens. Hens are cowards. Hens should die. They [men on the show] also eat like pigs. Your two women will give you a heart attack? Why are you even married to two with no good reason? Oh, yes, go divorce them. What a piece of... 

He constantly prays God to take them. Oh, good riddance. They won't have to be a part of this farce anymore. Okay now, great, the scene where the Hen starts yelling at them and one of his wives calls herself "stupid". Where is self-respect there? Living in terror. When was marriage a Master-Servant relationship?

They make a woman fear divorce is the end of her life, and when the Hen raises the divorce card, they run as if they are about to face Death.

Why it is whenever a man talks to one of the women on the show, they become all tender and... the weak weak poor maid in the big mansion. Disgusting. But when she's alone with her girl friends she becomes like a wh*re at a pub.

I hate whoever directed it; trying to show the SACRED man-pride. Yeah, right. after our Hen HUMILIATINGLY and disgustingly sends both his wives to their original Homes, they wear this face of disgrace upon them. How is it disgraceful that your husband needs anger management and can't drop the Majesty Hen act? It isn't her fault, but hey, we're Arabs, right?

Then we hear another failure of a man yelling at his daughter. He explains why his daughter has been thrown out of her house blaming her 'long tongue'. Oh, c'mon. That's not sick enough for you? And what does she do? She just cries like a helpless child. Yes, a grown woman cries like a baby. I will not continue watching this episode. Just lost 20 minutes and 14 seconds of my life that will never return. 

You're a man if you kick your wife out of HER OWN HOUSE! You're a man if you completely flip out when your honor gets thrown in the muck. Oh sorry, are these really the values you want your 5-year-old daughter or your 7-year-old sister to adopt? It's quite amusing to watch them [not], but God forbid this all happens in real life!

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